Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Torture Video Description: Everly had gotten all dressed up for a night on the town...Las Vegas is known for bringing out the slut in women...especially the young, hot ones...and sometimes, that slutty influence goes a bit overboard...Everly was ready for a slut adjustment.
Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Torture Video Description: This one is co cute and quiet...apparently a very submissive woman...they look so adorable when they don't know what's coming next...but so brave in the face of such helpless circumstances...and this one makes a mess when she cums.
Genre: BDSM, Spanking Video Description: Ziva is a very sexual and naughty woman who likes more the fantasy spanking where she strips off her clothing slowly to feel a strong hand on her bottom and naked butthole. In this series of Lady Parts spankings another lady climaxes as her sex and butthole are spanked nude...
Genre: BDSM, Spanking Video Description: Crossed arms, stuck out lip, stamping her feet... its time for her ATTITUDE to be ADJUSTED! Kyle turns the pouty gal around, bares her butt and spanks the attitude out of her, swat by hard swat!
Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Torture Video Description: When Catalina comes to town, I make it a point to book her...Her attitude is always entertaining, and she is one of the lovliest women I've ever had the pleasure of binding...She can take the bondage and she can take the blows, and when it comes to orgasms, it's always sweet and lustful.